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  2. Best Rate Guarantee

Best Rate Guarantee

※Best Rate Guarantee Conditions

  • In order to guarantee the best rate, the following conditions must be met at the time of booking:

    ·Same accommodation plan
    ·Same stay date(Arrival and departure dates)
    ·Same number of guests
    ·Similar room types(View,hierarchy)
    ·Same stay time(Check-in and check-out times)
    ·Same payment method
    ·Same cancellation conditions
    ·Same services and benefits(amenities contents included)
    ·Reservations on the website

※Not covered by Best Rate Guarantee

  • Please note that the following cases will be excluded from the comparison.

    ·Products targeted to specific membership organizations
    ·Corporate contracts, group products, products handled by travel agencies, etc.
    ·Products that fluctuate with exchange rates
    ·Prices that consider points or coupons unique to other online reservation sites as discounts
    ·Charges that the hotel has no control over, such as sales through other online reservation sites or travel agencies
    ·Some package products include additional fees such as use of facilities other than accommodation.
  • ※The rates on the Beppu Station Hotel Official website and websites operated by other companies are subject to change daily depending on room availability, etc.
    Please understand that the Best Rate Guarantee is the lowest guaranteed price at the time of booking.